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16 Lessons to Get FILTHY Rich: Lessons from a Publishing Tycoon

Learn from a publishing tycoon and unlock the secrets to wealth-building. Gain confidence, embrace failure, seize opportunities, and follow a proven blueprint to become FILTHY rich.
Successful publishing tycoon sharing invaluable lessons on unlocking the path to extraordinary wealth.


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on unlocking the secrets to building wealth, inspired by the legendary Felix Dennis. With a publishing empire valued at over $500 million, Dennis not only achieved tremendous financial success but also lived a life filled with controversy and excess. In this article, we will delve into 16 powerful insights from Dennis's book that can pave your way to becoming FILTHY rich. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as we explore the key lessons on confidence, money, resilience, sacrifice, embracing failure, seizing opportunities, execution, start-up success, luck, ownership, rejecting shortcuts, mimicking success, seizing opportunities, and the blueprint for success.

1. Confidence: Fueling Your Journey to Success

To embark on the path to riches, confidence plays a vital role. Felix Dennis emphasizes the importance of having tunnel vision, developing a thick skin, and maintaining stamina. By combining these traits with an unshakable belief in your ability to succeed, you are setting yourself up for great achievements. It's important to remember that confidence is not something you're born with but can be acquired through stacking little wins and working hard. As you achieve success in smaller tasks, your confidence will naturally grow, propelling you towards your larger goals.

2. Money: The Great Equalizer

Felix Dennis astutely highlights that money is impartial to race, gender, or background. This means that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the potential to amass wealth. It's time to stop making excuses and fully commit to your goals. Success in building wealth requires relentless pursuit and a refusal to be deterred by challenges. Keep your focus on the prize, and let nothing stand in your way.

3. Mental Armor: Building Resilience

Building mental armor is crucial for success on the journey to wealth. It's important to strike a balance between being open to well-constructed criticism and advice from trusted sources while remaining immune to naysayers. Toughen up and accept valid feedback that can help you improve, but also learn to ignore the negativity of those who doubt your potential. Forge your own path to prosperity, staying true to your vision even when faced with skepticism.

4. Sacrifice: The Price of Wealth

Felix Dennis unveils an uncomfortable truth – achieving riches often requires sacrifice. However, he warns against idolizing the wealthy, as their lives are not always as glamorous as they may appear. Instead, focus on living life on your own terms and below your means. Invest in all areas of your life, including personal growth, relationships, and experiences. By doing so, you can break free from the endless pursuit of material possessions and find true fulfillment on your path to wealth.

5. Embrace Failure: Overcoming the Fear

Fear of failure can be a significant obstacle on your path to wealth. Felix Dennis believes that the fear of failing in the eyes of others is the greatest hurdle to amassing wealth. To conquer this fear, it's crucial to embrace failure as an inevitable part of the journey. Learn from your mistakes, work longer hours to improve your skills, believe in your capabilities, and banish any self-doubt that may hinder your progress. Remember, failure is not a reflection of your worth but a stepping stone towards success.

6. Salary Drug: Breaking Free from the Norm

A regular paycheck can be alluring and addictive, akin to crack cocaine, as Felix Dennis vividly describes. However, to truly build wealth, he urges you to break free from the comfort of a steady income and venture into the world of entrepreneurship. Building your own business allows you to have more control over your financial destiny and opens up greater possibilities for wealth accumulation. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards can far outweigh the security of a paycheck.

7. Money Goggles: Seizing Opportunities

Though not coined by Dennis himself, he emphasizes the importance of being alert, prepared, and bold when opportunities arise. Developing self-belief and disregarding the opinions of others are crucial aspects of seizing opportunities effectively. Maintain a keen eye for potential avenues of wealth generation, and be ready to pounce when favorable prospects present themselves. Having the right mindset and the courage to take calculated risks can propel you towards financial success.

8. Execution: The Key to Success

Great ideas alone are meaningless without execution. Felix Dennis provides the example of the McDonald's brothers, who had a fantastic idea for a fast-food restaurant but it was Ray Kroc's execution that transformed the concept into a global empire. To achieve wealth, become an execution machine. Avoid falling into the trap of busyness without productivity. Instead, prioritize task completion and focus on delivering results. Consistent and efficient execution will set you apart from the competition and lead you closer to your financial goals.

9. Start-Up Success: Avoiding Common Errors

When venturing into the world of start-ups, it's crucial to avoid common errors that can hinder your path to wealth. Here are some positive statements to reframe your focus:

  • Embrace compulsion rather than mere desire: Develop a deep passion for your chosen venture, driving you to go the extra mile.

  • Prioritize cash flow and maintain low expenses: Ensure your business is generating a steady stream of income while keeping costs under control.

  • Learn from mistakes and be open to trying new approaches: Treat failures as valuable lessons and continuously adapt your strategies to achieve better results.

  • Think big while remaining flexible and humble: Set ambitious goals but be willing to adjust your course as needed based on market conditions and feedback.

  • Invest in top talent and provide them with fair compensation: Surround yourself with skilled individuals who complement your strengths and share in your vision. Reward them appropriately for their contributions.

By adopting these approaches, you can navigate the start-up landscape more effectively and increase your chances of building a successful and lucrative business.

10. Embracing Luck: A Fortuitous Mindset

Felix Dennis offers several poignant insights on luck. Here are key principles to embrace:

  • Avoid whining or considering yourself "unlucky": A negative mindset can hinder your progress. Instead, focus on positive thinking and consider yourself fortunate for the opportunities that come your way.

  • Be bold, brave, and chart your own course: Take calculated risks and venture into uncharted territory. Break free from the limitations of conventional thinking.

  • Stay focused on your current path instead of seeking greener pastures: Avoid being easily distracted by shiny new opportunities. Maintain focus on your chosen path and dedicate yourself to it.

  • Delegate tasks and empower others to do the same: Surround yourself with capable individuals and empower them to take on responsibilities. This allows you to focus on higher-value tasks and scale your efforts.

  • Recognize that predators are often luckier than their prey: Take proactive steps to seize opportunities instead of waiting for luck to come your way. Stay vigilant and be ready to act when favorable circumstances arise.

  • Be resilient and choose to be a hero to yourself, or fake it until reality catches up: Develop a resilient mindset that allows you to bounce back from setbacks. Believe in your ability to overcome challenges and persevere, even in difficult times.

  • Take action and ask for forgiveness, rather than seeking permission: Embrace a proactive approach and seize opportunities without waiting for approval from others. It's often easier to seek forgiveness afterward than to obtain permission beforehand.

  • Approach the quest for wealth as a game, never losing sight of its true nature: Maintain a playful and optimistic attitude towards wealth accumulation. Remember to enjoy the journey rather than solely focusing on the end result.

  • When encountering Lady Luck, give her a playful whack on the rump: Embrace and appreciate the fortuitous moments in your journey. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and remain grateful for the opportunities that come your way.

  • Strive to become fortunate, amass wealth, and give back when the time is right: As you accumulate wealth, remember the importance of using your resources to make a positive impact on the world around you. Give back to society in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs.

By adopting a fortuitous mindset and incorporating these principles into your approach, you can maximize your chances of creating wealth and enjoying a fulfilling journey along the way.

11. Ownership: The Path to Riches

Ownership is the ultimate catalyst for wealth accumulation, according to Felix Dennis. While it may seem ruthless, Dennis firmly believed that only owners truly prosper. As you navigate your journey to wealth, consider strategies that allow you to retain ownership and equity in your ventures. While sharing profits and providing bonuses to employees is important, prioritize maintaining a significant stake in your businesses. By increasing the size of the proverbial pie rather than simply sharing it, you set yourself up for substantial financial gains and long-term prosperity. Dennis also provides practical tips on enhancing bonuses and offering value-added perks to attract and retain top talent within your organization.

12. Rejecting Shortcuts: Staying the Course

Shortcuts often appear enticing, promising quick gains and easy success. However, Felix Dennis advises against falling for their allure. Building true wealth requires staying focused and doing the work. Avoid distractions and temptations that divert you from your chosen path. While shortcuts may offer immediate gratification, they rarely deliver sustainable results. Stay committed, maintain a long-term perspective, and remember that true success comes from consistent effort and unwavering dedication.

13. Choosing the Right Mountain: Mimicking Success

Felix Dennis advises aspiring wealth builders to tap into existing successful ventures as a source of inspiration. Find a mountain that is already making people rich and emulate their strategies. This doesn't mean copying their every move, but rather identifying what is working and adapting it to your own unique circumstances and strengths. Study successful individuals and businesses within your chosen industry or niche. Analyze their approaches, identify their key success factors, and tailor them to suit your goals and vision. By leveraging the wisdom of those who have already achieved wealth, you can accelerate your own path to success.

14. Be a Predator: Seizing Opportunities

To truly succeed in building wealth, Felix Dennis encourages you to become the kind of predator that instinctively pounces on opportunities. Act decisively at the slightest hint of a chance to make money. Overcome hesitation and fear, and seize the moment to accelerate your path to wealth. Develop the ability to identify potential opportunities and take calculated risks. This proactive approach, coupled with a keen eye for lucrative prospects, can significantly increase your chances of financial success.

15. The Upside-Down Pyramid: A Blueprint for Success

Felix Dennis presents a brilliant six-step process for building wealth, symbolized by the upside-down pyramid:

  1. Make a committed decision: Declare your unwavering commitment to achieving wealth and make it a priority in your life.

  2. Eliminate negative influences: Surround yourself with positive influences and cut ties with individuals or circumstances that hinder your progress.

  3. Choose a profitable niche or industry: Identify a niche or industry that aligns with your interests, skills, and has the potential for significant financial returns.

  4. Fearlessly pursue your goals: Take bold and calculated actions to pursue your goals, overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way.

  5. Develop a scalable business model: Build a business that can scale and generate increasing profits over time. Leverage technology, systems, and processes to maximize efficiency and growth.

  6. Focus on generating multiple income streams: Diversify your sources of income to create stability and resilience. Explore various avenues, such as investments, real estate, royalties, and passive income streams.

By following this blueprint, you can structure your path to wealth and set yourself up for long-term financial success.

16. The Eight Secrets of Getting Rich

Straight from the words of Felix Dennis himself, here are the eight secrets to unlocking wealth:

  1. Analyze your needs and transform desire into compulsion.

  2. Cut ties with negative influences and remain resolute.

  3. Prioritize great execution over great ideas.

  4. Maintain unwavering focus on opportunities that generate income.

  5. Surround yourself with talented individuals, delegate tasks, and share the rewards.

  6. Recognize that ownership is the true secret to wealth and hold onto every percentage point.

  7. Know when to sell or exit, and approach negotiations with a clear mind.

  8. Fear nothing and no one. Acquire wealth, and remember to give back when the time is right.


Unlocking the secrets to building wealth is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a combination of mindset, strategy, execution, and perseverance. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Felix Dennis, we have explored 16 powerful lessons that can guide you on your journey to becoming FILTHY rich. Confidence, money, resilience, sacrifice, embracing failure, seizing opportunities, execution, start-up success, luck, ownership, rejecting shortcuts, mimicking success, seizing opportunities, and the blueprint for success – these are the building blocks that can propel you towards unparalleled wealth and success. Embrace these principles, adapt them to your unique circumstances, and set forth on a transformative journey towards financial abundance.


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